Product Description & Characteristics
Elastomeric Bearings
CON-SERV provides neoprene and natural rubber elastomeric bearing pads to provide structural support in bridges, as well as in commercial and industrial buildings, and petrochemical and power plants. These parts, depending on the type of elastomer, provide uniform load transfer, accommodate thermal movement, allow for end-beam rotation and isolate components of the structure against vibration, noise and shock. CONSERV produces both AASHTO-grade neoprene and AASHTO-grade preformed fabric pads. These can also be supplied with filled PTFE bonded to them for use as the lower element in a slide bearing, which will provide both the longitudinal movement and rotation required.
Natural Rubber/Neoprene Types
Plain and shimmed bearings are available in standard Shore A durometers of 50, 60 or 70 based on state and/or AASHTO Code, Section 18, natural rubber or neoprene. For economy, a commercial grade is also available.
PTFE-surfaced neoprene-backed slide bearings are also available. Type CSA material is recommended bonded to a 10-gauge steel laminate which has been bonded to neoprene. If minimum dead load pressure is less than 200 psi, it is recommended that the elastomer be epoxy-bonded to concrete. If on steel, a tack plate is recommended for positive reinforcement. The maximum temperature at a neoprene bearing is 200° F.
Type NES Shimmed Neoprene
Type NEP Plain Neoprene
Random Fiber Reinforced Slide Bearings
This material will substitute for neoprene in areas where vibration or heavier loads are present. The random fiber material is well suited to concrete construction as a cost-saving alternative to neoprene or preformed fabric pads. Type RFR materials may be provided with holes, slots or PTFE surfaces.
CON-SLIDE™ Type RFR may also be used in conjunction with a Type CSA or CSB assembly.
Please consult CON-SERV Engineering Department personnel.
Type RFR Random Fiber Reinforced
How to Specify
Neoprene-Backed Slide Bearing
Alternate Lower Element for Welding
Guide Specification
The CON-SLIDE™ bearing guide specification for Type CSA can be utilized as a guide for PTFE neoprene backed bearings. The neoprene must be factory bonded to the steel carrying the PTFE. The neoprene must be in accordance with the latest AASHTO requirements.
Preformed Fabric Reinforced Elastomeric
Type PF
Physical Properties Please contact Con-Serv engineering department if your design average pressure exceeds 1500psi. |
Type PF Preformed Fabric Pad
Preformed Fabric Reinforced Elastomeric Slide Bearings
Alternate Lower Element for Welding
Technical Section
The following formula has proven successful in calculating the thickness of the preformed fabric pad to accept a given rotation. This formula allows for the internal stresses built up in the pad upon rotation.
Guide Specification
The CON-SLIDE™ bearing guide specification for Type CSB can be utilized as a guide
or PTFE preformed fabric pad-backed bearings.
The preformed fabric pad shall comply with the AASHTO specfication DIV. II SECT 18. The pad also shall comply with MIL-C-882-E Military Specification and P.C.I. Prestressed Concrete Design Manual.
CON-SERV Inc recommends 11ga. plate be laminated every 2” in pads over 2” thick for strength and stability.
- Friction values are as per Type CSB bearing curve